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Barbara Gatti


15 days

UX Website & Marketing Basics +

Goals Coaching

English       -       Spanish       -       Portuguese

1) Goals Coaching: Your website does not start with the design. It starts identifying your mission, goals and everything else that you can explore inside of your business and isn´t maybe completely clear yet.


I will help you to create meaningful value for your business, to identify your real goals and to explore the big picture behind what you are starting or doing until now. Is all about bringing awareness and significance to your ideas.

2) UX Website: 

User experience (UX) focuses on having a deep understanding of users, what they need, what they value, their abilities, and also their limitations. It also takes into account the business goals and objectives of the project.

3) Mkt Tools Mentoring: 

I will help you to understand how does your Google Analytics works so you can track the users' traffic and interaction in your web, to use a MailChimp email automation with some tips about when to use, a Hubspot CRM setup to keep your email contacts organized and any other marketing platform that can allow your business to grow faster.


Is a transformational experience that gives you the freedom

to manage and understand your business by yourself.

"Barbara has a happiness oriented approach. She helped me to organize not only my web idea but my whole thing! I could find more purpose behind my mission and I got to know how my personal balance was affecting the structure of my business."

- N.M. - Australia


Is this program for you?


If you can get identified with one of the following aspects, I can help you.


You need a web site but don´t know where to start. 


You may have too many ideas or products and don´t know how to organize them, or simply you want to launch your business online but have a couple of doubts about your business, mission, target or strategy.


You know what you want but is always good to make sure that your ideas are perfectly structured, and you are open for reviewing and receiving a second opinion.


Maybe you only need to be sure about your mission or that everything makes sense.


You want to hire someone to develop your UX Web but you don´t want to be forever dependent on this person for updates and marketing actions.


You want to learn and take the digital control of your business.


You are curious to know how can you bring more awareness and consciousness to your business by reinforcing your mission and purpose.


 During the process, you will also get to know yourself better. 

How is this going to work?

I´m going to dive into your business with you





Day 0) Before starting the 15 days, we are going to have a 1h conversation about your business, challenges, and goals. I will present you some coaching tools and dynamics for you to explore during the following 5 days.


Day 1) Now we start with your goals mentoring. In a 2 hours conversation, I will give you some deep explanation about finding balance in business so we can explore together your real goals and create your meaningful mission. We will have space to discuss strategies and other possibilities to your brand or product. I will start explaining about your target and how to provide a wonderful online experience to them - this will least the entire process so you can create your target and users´ guide. 


After this session, I will ask you to send me all the written content and images that you want to fit into your web. I can also offer copywriting work or support with my collaborators and I will check everything to be sure that is optimized and coherent to the final version of your webpage. 


Day 2) I will start working on your web and will present you the first layout suggestion and we will be working on that until you approve. From this day, I will take 10 more days to completely finish your new UX Web Site! We will be in contact during all this time to make sure that we are aligned and really collaborating. 


Day 13) Now is time to evaluate all the coherent marketing tools that you can use to make your business grow faster. I will tell you about SEO, Email marketing automation, CRM options, and Google Analytics - and will show you how to use each platform in a practical way, applied to your necessities. We can have up to 2 meetings with 2 hours each! I promise that when we collaborate in a practical and objective way, this is more than enough. 


Day 15) To close this journey, we can share feedbacks and I will solve any other question or insight that you may have.






The program includes 4 to 5 meetings adapted to your schedule.


Meetings in person or by Skype

Book your first meeting
But first, let me know a little bit about you...

Thanks for submitting!




I am a specialist in behavioral analysis, with 15 years of design and business experience in Marketing areas, between Brazil and Spain. During this time, I got specialized in UX Design on UXER School and I´m a member of Interaction Design Foundation since 2017. 


While working as a marketing director in a Spanish Startup, I felt I was only going to find my true purpose if I made a big lifestyle change.

I needed to live with lightness and to connect with people on a deeper level.


During 5 months in Bali, I immersed myself in a journey of self-knowledge and apprenticeship that brought me closer to my psychology studies in university and confirmed my vocation to work with and for people.


I graduated in Life Coaching, and other communication, self-knowledge, self-awareness, and self-love practices - so helping people became my purpose.

Through Holistic Business Coaching and Conscious Design, I make my dreams come true, by helping my clients achieve theirs.


- Barbara Gatti - 


Barbara Gatti

Barcelona, Spain

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